2009년 3월 17일 화요일

EuroKor first appeared in a diary of a young Korean man in Belgium in 1995. Actually he has dreamed to be an European specialist in the future since his first personal encounter with European in 1991. His favorite was European studies at college and everything related with Europe was on his top priority duing his school years since 1985. Yes, you can say that Europe has been his Beatrice for a long time.

He created his own future company name in his diary and spelled it out exactly "EuroKor" simply combining Europe with Korea. He designed his own CI simply combining European flag with Korean preparing for his future business some day. It took another 10 years to take the first step to make his dream come true by founding EuroKor Travel in 2004. "Your best connection to Europe!" was his slogan.

Based on the last 5 years remarkable achievements as an European-specialized travel agent, EuroKor has decided to transform itself as a unique bilateral channel connecting Europe to Korea as well as Korea to Europe vice versa. This vision is even inspired by Greek mythology. Just like Zeus in the form of bull carried Europe to Crete crossing over the Aegena Sea, EuroKor wants to carry Europe to Korea!
As the sun always rises from the east, you may find your breakthrough breaking through the darkness from the East far far from your West. For your long journey from the West to the Far East, you need a strong and reliable transporter like EuroKor! As a member of European Union Chamber of Commerce in Korea(EUCCK), EuroKor's network and credibility is cut out for your new biz opportunity in Korea.
Korea is calling you with bright shining opportunity. Find your breakthrough here! EuroKor will help you in terms of culture, trade, design, green IT as well as tourism. Korea is not something between China and Japan. It is uniquely Korea uncomparable with any other countries in the West far from your West. You'll see it! Feel free to contact EuroKor whenever and whatever you want. Here I am for you.
c.p.+82 10 2614 1007
tel. +82 2 563 2007
fax.+82 2 563 3122
e-mail: eurokor@eurokor.com
add. 8F LG Twintel, 157-3 Samsung-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea
"Your best connection to Korea, that spells EuroKor!!!"

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